CMYK Color Model

(C)yan, (M)agenta, (Y)ellow and (K)ey (Black) is abbreviated as CMYK. These four colours can be mixed together in varying amounts and produce thousands of different shades and hues on paper.

Subtractive colours

Begin with a light-reflective surface, often white paper. With white paper, all of the colours of light are present. Cyan, Magenta and yellow are added in varying proportions to subtract protions fo the white, reflected light.

RGB Color Model

RGB colour is model for mixing (R)ed, (G)reen and (B)lue light in different ways to produce any imaginable colour.

Additive colours

Begin with a black (absence of colour) screen and add these colours together to create other colours.



CMYK is suitable for traditional print media, like posters, billboards, business cards and brochures etc.


RGB is more suitable for digital applicaitons. You are most likely to use RGB when desiging for emails, internet/websites and other digital projects.



Offset printing processors & Crisper colour on white printing paper


Best for onscreen or digital viewing



The system uses coloured inks and pay for printing process


Weakness is that design will lose quality when RGB is converted to CMYK

Every month at studio we did monthly review meeting. In this meeting we judge their best creatives on different paramerters in the way of presentation, special project of the month, unqiue layouts, new concepts. On these prameters we declared star of the month. This healthy competition improves artist’s way of thinking, working and skills.

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